Frequently Asked Questions
Which product should I choose: Wild Whey or Wild Muscle?

With a muscle-gaining diet and appropriate exercise, both products help you to gain and recover the energy and muscle-strength you need. Combining either Wild Whey or Wild Muscle with a weight-loss diet and exercise will help you achieve your target weight. Wild Whey is strictly organic whey protein powder suitable for men, women, teenagers, athletes, and anyone else who wants to eat and live healthfully. Think of Wild Whey as a family protein power-supplement for overall health and fitness. Wild Muscle is also an organic whey protein with extra muscle-boosting ingredients suitable for athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, gym lovers, and anybody else who wants to feel strong and fit. Wild Muscle is a hardcore protein powder supplement, specially designed for advanced muscle growth and better performance.
Why don't you make raw or unflavored whey protein?

Raw or unflavored whey protein doesn’t taste or smell good. It doesn’t mix well and foams too much for a shake. Many people reported that unflavored or raw protein powder tastes like detergent powder. In addition, raw whey protein powder is not easy to digest because it lacks the proper digestive enzymes. DREXSPORT whey has a delicious taste, pleasant smell, good mix-ability and proper digestive enzymes for better digestion without bloating or stomach issues; we focus on all-in-one whey protein without compromise.
Why do you blend whey protein isolate and concentrate?

The organic whey protein isolate includes extra protein, zero carbs, and no fats. Organic whey protein concentrate is minimally processed compared to isolate, which preserves healthy nutrients, highly bio-available amino acids, vitamins, and healthy fats like omega 3 and CLA – all benefiting heart health, immunity, fat loss, and muscle gain. Additionally, concentrate tastes much better than isolate. Therefore, the health advantages of Whey protein are amplified when combining isolate and concentrate forms.
What LOW-END ingredients are not added in DREXSPORT?

Grain-fed whey from A1 milk (may contain injected hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, toxins; uneasy to absorb); Plant protein powder (unpleasant taste, low bio-availability and digestibility, inferior protein and amino acids profile); Extra herbs & vitamins (negatively impact taste, smell, and mix-ability); Harmful artificial ingredients (sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives); Low-end ingredients (sugar, dextrose, corn, soy, wheat, gluten, GMO, maltodextrin, amino spiking) and Banned Substances.
Can you lower the product cost or increase the quantity?

Imported grass-fed cows’ milk A2 organic whey protein powder, natural ingredients, and high-quality raw materials aren’t cheap. We are neither a greedy company to cost high intentionally nor sell LOW-END or unworthy products at a higher cost for a high-profit margin. Genuinely, we care about what our customers put into their most valuable assets, their bodies; therefore, we value quality over quantity. Your every hard-earned penny won’t be wasted with DREXSPORT; you will get what you pay for!
Can I make a similar DREXSPORT product or formula by substituting or changing different ingredients?

We have filed a total of eight patents for our organic whey protein. We are very serious about the competitive market, and we take advanced steps to prevent any competition from imitating our trusted DREXSPORT products. Copying or manipulating a DREXSPORT product to sell is illegal. Our patents are protected even if our competitors formulate whey protein with more/less or substitute ingredients, such as amino acids, herbs, sweeteners, additives, vitamins, minerals, or whey hydrolyzed. We have no objection if our competitors make plant protein, raw whey protein, or whey protein with artificial ingredients.
Do you suggest a specific diet and workout for better results?

Everyone’s age, goals, genetics, and physical conditions are different, so we can’t suggest one specific diet or workout. You should discuss your optimal diet and workout plan with a health professional, such as a doctor, trainer, or dietician. We can happily give you some simple tips that will help anybody. Eat healthy and minimally processed food four to five times a day to gain weight, and two times a day to lose weight. Your breakfast and dinner should be a sufficient caloric intake to satisfy you throughout the day if you want to lose weight. Also, as your individual physical fitness level allows, workout for 45 minutes four to five times a week, but never overdo it. The proper workout and diet can help you sleep like a baby, reduce stress, and laugh a lot. Don’t forget DREXSPORT Wild Muscle & Wild Whey after workouts and breakfast 🙂
Why is DREXSPORT only available in chocolate flavor? More flavors would be nice.

First, making whey protein without artificial ingredients and with organic flavor is a very challenging task. Managing good taste with organic ingredients needs professional manufacturing techniques with proper formulation balancing. Second, we extract the chocolate flavor from natural cocoa beans to make our delicious chocolate whey protein. We have tried our best to make other natural flavors, such as strawberry, vanilla, and saffron; however, we could not get the same quality taste, which is our gold standard. More than 80 out of 100 customers prefer DREXSPORT’s chocolate flavor. Our research and development team is still working on more flavors. We WILL NOT add any kind of artificial ingredient to make another tasty flavor. It’s easy to make tasty food with artificial ingredients, but our ingredients are 100% natural. Until we can find a way to make other quality flavors, we will stay with our one organic flavor: Chocolate.
How can I complain about the quality and authenticity of the product?

We have taken great care with customer service to deliver an authentic product. If you are suspicious about the products’ quality and/or authenticity, please make a complete video. DO NOT OPEN THE JAR FIRST. First, record the entire un-opened jar, including the label, seal cap, manufacturing date and hologram. Next, record opening the jar and checking the protein powder. While recording, stir all the powder well with the help of a big spoon in the jar to illustrate how the powder looks and that everything in the jar looks the way it should. We need an unedited and clear video of the product to accept complaints about quality and authenticity. Every step needs to be recorded.
Will I get authentic and trustworthy products?

We’ve been in the business since 2012, with innumerable happy customers worldwide. We’re the World’s 1st patented organic whey protein brand – selling certified, lab-tested and all-natural products. Exclusively we sell our products online, and our authorised dealers sell offline. Our product’s authenticity is ensured by the branded red tape on the packaging box, the distinctive hologram on the label, and the cap’s seal. We never change our quality, taste or formulation; we sell 100% authentic and world-class products.